I wanted to kind of split this layout in two to reflect the two themes of the party, while still having it flow & merge into a double layout. Not only was it going to be split into the themes of pirate & princess, but also the photos into animal man & food; as well as my lot (on the pirate side of course) and centralising on the birthday girl (on the princess side)
To merge the 2 themes I used the same party list sheet for the background for both, noticing that the lines would be perfect for journaling on. I also added a strip of a pirate map paper across both sheets.
On the pirate side I added a pirate treasure type X & trail, gold coins, pirate sword, gold card strip embossed with cogs (well, every pirate treasure needs to be protected by traps), a pirate mouse and gold letters.
On the princess side I cut out castles to put along the pirate map strip (very sahara, Aladdins lamp type thing), pink stars and a butterfly. I finished the title in pink foam writing.
I also sneaked three animal brads on both pages, can you find them? (thats 3 all together, not 3 on each page)