Saturday, 24 July 2010

Summer Fun - The list

So today is the first day of the summer holidays here, its also an end of an era for me as my eldest is no longer a Primary School child.

The first week is normally the easiest as it starts off with the children being able to entertain themselves - Zacks already told me yesterday he was looking forward to a Loooooooooooooong lie in. But soon they will need a bit of guidance - or dragging away from the electrical goodies the house is filled with. So in no real order, here is the list I have come up with (are you ready its a long one!).

Indoor play
-Read a book (eldest can read to youngest or you can read to them)
-Write a story (can be done with pictures like a comic strip)
-Salt Dough models
-Paint Salt Dough (when its been cooked)
-Bake biscuits/cake(s) & decorate
-Make a sock puppet
-Put on a play (maybe with sock puppets)
-Collage picture out of old mags/catalogues
-Decorate clothing/shoes
-Make a suncatcher from black card with tissue paper glued over the cut out holes.
-Make scratch pictures - use crayons on card then paint over with acrylic/poster paint. Leave to dry then scratch in picture
-Make beads from fimo/paper - thread onto string for themselves or as presents.
-Finger print pictures
-Make bread (can create their own shapes with it)
-Decorate bedroom room (Zacks room needs redecorating so hes going to help, eep!)
-Make a jigsaw
-Face painting
-Decorate picture frames
-Colouring in pictures (simple for Kai, more complex for Zack)
-Pasta necklaces - paint, add glitter, leave to dry & then thread)
-Movie day - make popcorn together, draw the curtains & put on a movie
-Treasure hunt (with clues for Zack)
-Scrapbooking - make a holiday scrapbook, Scrap a few of Zacks school memories while fresh
-Straws & tape construction
-Foam door hangers
-Egg cup caterpillar - the egg carton "cups" cut off, painted & threaded together to make a caterpillar
-Toilet paper binoculars
-Pressed flowers (takes 10 days according to Martha Stewart)
-Paint/crayon on pebbles

Outdoor play
-Paint using hands/feet (& normally the rest of them as well, good outside activity)
-Make bubble paint prints (washing up liquid in watered down paint, blow bubbles with straws then place paper on top)
-Plant some seeds
-Paddling pool
-Decorate plant pots
-Turn a jar into a vase - cover in polyfilla or similar, stick on gems, shells etc
-Paper mache mask &/or hot air balloon (last year we made a piggy bank)
-Potato printing
-Junk Modelling - stick together cereal boxes, tubes, bottles etc to make a "sculpture"
-Mini beast hunt - either see what bugs they can find & identify, or give them a list to find
-Scavanger hunt - give them a list of things to find & bring back
-Messy play—make gloop, shaving foam (paint)
-Teach old games e.g Hopscotch
-Chalk piccies on the paving slabs
-Make sand stepping stones

Possible trips out (all depends on transport & cash flow)
-Ice Skating
-Cinema—kids club
-Ironbridge Gorge Museums
-Sea life
-Park hill
-The Wrekin
-Pizza Hut
-Blackberry picking
-Apple scrumping
-Visit Family
-Go to the Park
-Fly a kite
-Feed the Ducks
-Welly Walk - go for a walk after the rain in wellies & old clothes to jump in the mud & puddles.
-Mapped walk—Z can make a route to follow or we can follow an already set route
-Photo walk - the kids get to take their own photos, so you get a kids eye view

Are you still with me? Phew! As you can see most of the indoor activities can be done outside & visa versa, it all depends on the weather & how messy your kiddies are (mine are very messy ;)
If you dont understand some of these prompts on the list, dont worry, all will be explained along the way over the holidays. I'm sure other ideas will be added as we go along, and I will update this list as they do.

I would like to say a big thank you to those who posted last week & added their own ideas, some of which I have used here.

Next saturday I shall show you what we got upto this week, & if it was any good. I'm thinking of putting up a Mr Linky for anyone else whose's blogging their summer fun ideas can add a link, so we can all share ideas, what do you think, would you be willing to post your link?


  1. Fab list K I'm worn out just reading it! Forgot to say last week 'make a garden' on, say, a pizza box, pebbles, sand, mirror for a pond, lolly sticks, flowers etc.

    Kims Game - say 12 or more random items on a tray, let them look for ? minutes then remove the tray & they write down what things they can remember? Sadly only fills a few minutes but hey!

  2. Brilliant list. Some of these we already do, some we have done already (has it only been one day??) And some we shall be trying!

  3. Great list, look forward to seeing pics & descriptions of your activities. I will be putting some on my blog, probably most days, except when they or all of us are away. I'm up for the Linky thing, if you get enough interest. x



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